The following is Part 2 of  “What is a relational database management system and why is it important for your business?”. Read Part 1 Here.

This is Part 2 of our article on how a relational database management system is a key ingredient for growing your business.  Yes, it’s true.  The following are 3 ways a relational database management system is crucial to growing sales.

The first way that a relational database management system can help grow sales for your business is the most simple – it allows dynamic grouping of customers – by sales person, by territory, by industry, by products ordered, etc.

The second way that a relational database management system can help grow your business is by grouping together multiple items related to a given customer.  An example is the case described in Part 1 of this article – building a list of invoices for a specific customer.

The third way that a relational database management system allows you to expand sales is by grouping together customers by applying various criteria to multiple items that are related to the customers.  This might include building a list of customers that have ordered a specific type of item more than 3 times within a certain state.  This type of query can be performed with a simple two table relational database management system by sorting or searching against just 2 or 3 columns in the tables.

Of course, most relational database management systems have user interfaces that make performing these operations easy for users.  For sales people, an example of a relational database management system designed to make managing information about customers and searching and sorting like the above examples and more would be the SalesNexus Online CRM solution.