List Building and Data Hygiene Services

List Building can be Fast, Accurate & Affordably!

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Why SalesNexus List Building?

 Over 500 million professional contacts including emails, business phone, mobile phone, mailing address, social media profiles and more. They’re affordable and accurate.

Contact data is sourced from verifiable sources and maintained by continuously scanning LinkedIn for updates to each contact’s status. Every email address is validated.  SalesNexus lists also include highly accurate mobile phone numbers for many contacts.

List Cleansing

Keeping your list clean is the key to successful email marketing and efficient calling campaigns. Any list loaded into SalesNexus can be cleansed to validate email addresses and identify spam traps. Cleansing your list improves email delivery rates and avoids spam complaints. SalesNexus also appends missing information to your existing customer and lead lists.  

Enrich Your List

SalesNexus also appends missing information to your existing customer and lead lists.  Add missing phone and mobile numbers, mailing addresses, company info, title, social media links and more to any list of email addresses.  Each SalesNexus customer is allocated credits for enrichment as a built-in part of their subscription.