Super Charge Your Sales Engine to Double Sales this Year!

Double Sales – This coming Monday, January 26, we’ll release the first installment of our 5 part e-Book, “Double Your Sales in 2009”!

I’m extremely excited about it! We’ve been applying this process to several businesses in 2008 and have perfected a formula that will work in virtually any business.

I know you’ve got great plans for 2009. I know there are big challenges ahead. The good news is following this process will not require much expense and you won’t have to overhall your sales process or marketing.

These are simple steps anyone can take immediately in ways that build on the people and processes you have today.

We’ll be releasing each primary step every Monday through the end of February. Stay tuned here to see each installment as its released and begin super charging your sales engine immediately.

You can also register to receive the entire series as one easy to read e-Book here. As soon as the 5th and final installment is released on February 23, we’ll email the entire e-Book to you.

Here’s what to expect:

January 26 – How not knowing the difference between a lead and a qualified prospect is costing you big bucks and what to do about it

  • Specific questions to ask
  • Simple steps to take to be sure your sales team qualified effectively

February 2 – How to time your sales efforts to focus on the right prospects at the right time

How to close more sales by saying no to some prospects

February 9 – How to measure how many prospects are qualified and know whether the right sales actions are taking place at the right time

  • Know when reps are spending too much time on the wrong prospects?
  • See your pipeline of future sales objectively so you can get a useful forecast

February 16 – How to hold your sales staff accountable without running off your top producers

Februrary 23 – How to super charge your sales engine without increasing expenses

Easily optimize the fuel in your sales engine – your leads