Email marketing automation

All Your ACT CRM Data, None of the Hassles

Many of our customers were ACT CRM! Users before making the switch for good to SalesNexus.  Here are some of the reasons why:

It is hosted online

Always up to date, available anywhere. No more synchronizing databases. No more software and servers to buy, install and maintain.

100% of your ACT data transfers to SalesNexus automatically

Notes, history, groups, custom fields, drop down lists, layouts, sales opportunities, activities.  When you logon to SalesNexus for the first time, its just like logging onto your ACT CRM! database again, except its online!

The right home for your ACT! database…

Finding an Online Home for Your ACT database” – Read an ACT Consultant’s Opinions

The Costs of Getting ACT Online – Detailed Cost Comparison

7 Hidden Costs of Online CRM” – Know the right questions to ask before you buy!