Finding a Salesforce Alternative

by | Jun 2, 2021

Is it time for you to look for a Salesforce alternative? Thousands of companies just like yours start with Salesforce with great expectations only to be disappointed.  Frustrations with under-utilization and ever growing costs are the norm.  Worst of all, Salesforce keeps customers locked into long term contracts and makes it difficult to migrate to other tools.

Guide to Leaving Salesforce

That’s why we’ve created this guide to clarifying your needs, finding a Salesforce alternative, and migrating successfully.

We’ve been helping businesses succeed with CRM for 20 years. We’ve developed a step-by-step process for defining CRM requirements, selecting the right CRM and Marketing Automation tools, and setting up your CRM. All of these make sure it works for your team and your business.

In the free guide, you’ll find step-by-step processes for:

  • EClarifying Your Goals
  • EReasons to Consider a Salesforce Alternative
  • EHow to Leave Salesforce Successfully
  • EGetting Team Input
  • EDefining Requirements
  • EGetting Team Input
  • EPrioritizing Capabilities
  • ESearching for a Salesforce Alternative
  • ETransferring Data
  • ECustomization and Setup
  • EMeasuring Success

Clarify Your CRM Goals

Often businesses choose Salesforce as their first CRM because it’s the name they know and/or one of the team members had prior experience with Salesforce. However, it’s likely that through setting up and using Salesforce, you’ve learned that those aren’t the best reasons to choose a CRM.

Think of this as an opportunity to revisit your CRM objectives based on the experience you’ve had with Salesforce.  Your experience using Salesforce will allow you to choose and succeed with a Salesforce alternative much more effectively.

Our Guide to Leaving Salesforce provides 20 questions you and the team should consider. These help you be clear on the top priorities and requirements for your new CRM.

Clarify Your CRM Goals

You’re probably getting conflicting input from your staff about Salesforce.  Whereas some may love it, others may claim it’s counterproductive in their role.  Almost universally, businesses that subscribe to Salesforce find themselves dealing with a lot more complexity than they were prepared for.

Moreover, costs often escalate quickly.  In demos, the sales team showed you all the capabilities of all of the add-ons and additional modules. However, they don’t explained the additional costs clearly.  Plus, businesses often find it necessary to hire an outside consultant. Supposedly, these consultants help with setup and on-going maintenance or dedicated internal staff to these efforts.

Ultimately, our Guide to Leaving Salesforce gives your team objective measures to consider in evaluating the pros and cons of sticking with your current CRM, or choosing a Salesforce alternative.


Searching for a Salesforce Alternative

You’re a more experienced buyer than you were the first time. Even so, it’s easy to let the process run away from you.  Every member of your team may have differing opinions. Also, demos tend to cloud the issue with exciting bells and whistles that are not essential.  Our Guide gives you easy-to-use tools for prioritizing requirements and capabilities. These enable you and the team to make an objective decision.

Migrating CRM Data

One of the most common reasons that businesses feel “stuck with Salesforce” is that they have accumulated so much valuable information about customers. Then, they aren’t sure how to transfer that information into an alternative CRM successfully.  Alternately, at SalesNexus, we’ve helped customers migrate their CRM data successfully thousands of times.

We have developed a systematic process that ensures you won’t lose valuable information and minimizes downtime for the team.  Thus, our Guide to Leaving Salesforce breaks the process down for you into specific, simple steps.

Why customers are looking for Salesforce Alternatives

Salesforce has done a good job of marketing themselves as a leader in the CRM industry but are they? Let’s see what most ex-Salesforce customers think about the CRM and why they are looking for alternatives.

Hard to Integrate

Salesforce has done a good job of marketing themselves as a leader in the CRM industry but are they? Let’s see what most ex-Salesforce customers think about the CRM and why they are looking for alternatives.

Full of Unexpected Fees

Salesforce asks you to pay for every little adjustment, customization, or improvement. While a free feature in most CRMs in the market, many businesses complain that they have to pay for every upgrade they require. Some have even reported going through five different levels (and payments!) just to get the features they want!

Not Generous with Your Data

As more activity moves into the cloud, one important question that has been raised is who should own data. Most responsible cloud companies believe that although they store this data, it ultimately belongs to the individuals or businesses who create it. In Salesforce it’s not the case. Customers pay for weekly backups!

SalesNexus Offer to Salesforce Users

If you’re fed up with the inflated costs, lack of support, and complex processes to follow and ready to choose a Salesforce alternative, a primary impediment to choosing a new CRM solution may be that you’ve pre-paid for Salesforce or you’re under a long term contract.

That’s why we’re making this incredible offer to any Salesforce customer:

Free use of SalesNexus throughout the term of your Salesforce contract.  Therefore, your CRM expense won’t double while you wait for your Salesforce contract to expire.  Use SalesNexus free throughout your current contract!

Qualifications – must be under contract with Salesforce now. Must provide copy of Salesforce contract within 30 days of starting SalesNexus subscription.