Its that time of year…

Crunch time. In sales, the end of the year is like what the stock brokers call the “triple witching hour”. You’ve got to wrap up the year strong and beat your quota, you’ve got holiday activities with clients, prospects and co-workers and you’ve got budget meetings planning for next year.

Just relax and enjoy the season right? Not for us friends. This is the two month stretch that defines the rest of the year.

In time for your 2010 planning

We will release our free eBook, “Double Your Sales in 2010”! This free ebook shows you how to refocus your selling efforts on prospects most likely to buy and how to manage the rest efficiently.

The fact is, failure to meet your goals in selling is not usually due to lack of effort. Its due to spending too much time in the wrong places and not enough on activities that are most likely to bring closed deals.

In “Double Your Sales in 2010” we break down how to know which prospects are worthy of your full blown efforts and how to nurture the rest toward that point.

In truth, you can have a dramatic effect on your sales results simply through better qualifying earlier in the sales process and moving high cost activities to the later stages of your sales process.

“Double Your Sales in 2010” shows you how to do it in simple steps that don’t involve hiring or firing anyone or spending thousands of dollars on training or consultants.

In January of 2009, we published “Double Your Sales in 2009” at the height of the doom and gloom of the financial meltdown. It was popular beyond our wildest expectations.

“Double Your Sales in 2010”, we have updated and added to many of the fundamental elements and added specific examples of how to measure and manage the process as your reorganize it using affordable online CRM solutions.

Stay tuned, we will be announcing a webinar very soon where we’ll go through real business scenarios and show you how others have actually doubled their sales following these practices!