Today, SalesNexus announced the release of the latest updates to its CRM and Marketing Automation Suite.

This is scheduled to be available on Wednesday, April 12, 2023, at 2 am Central.


New Features

Schedule Campaigns over a Series of Start Dates

Fed up trying to divide a list into subsets so you can schedule them to go out day by day? 

Add Webhook to your campaigns 

New to Campaigns! Along with emails, calls, and text messages, you can now add a Webhook to your campaigns.

Using the built in, ready to use PrintGenie Webhook allows users to add direct mail (postcards, letters, holiday cards and more) to their campaigns in SalesNexus.

Simply add this new option to your campaign, and fill in the details to create or edit your brand.

Create Group Lookups

New in groups: you can create groups with specific criteria and make these your group lookup.

To create group lookups, go to “Create Group Lookup” under “Groups”, add in your search criteria, and when you click the search button, the list of items that matches the criteria will show up.

You can then proceed to “Make This My Lookup” and select specific fields for that Group Lookup.


An improved new customer experience 

We have been working hard to improve your customer experience, prompting us to resolve issues in the onboarding experience for our new users. We put everything you need to navigate SalesNexus in a welcome page that has a brand new look. 

Quicker Searches

Looking for something?

We have made it easier for you to navigate through SalesNexus.

“Our search tools have been amped up to ensure you would be able to quickly get what you need.

Save Columns with Lookups

Save time doing the same searches over and over again by saving columns with lookups.

Now you can go to contacts, create a lookup, and create and change the criteria for your fields. 

Once you have made this your lookup and saved your search, you are given the option to either make it your default search, or save the current selected contact columns. 

This way, when you search your lookups under your selected description, you will only see the columns that you have selected that are relevant to that list.  

Bug Fixes:

  1. Access to My Settings
  2. CRM – Quick Search 
  3. Email Capture Authorization
  4. Email Templates 
  5. SMS – notifications 
  6. Create Contact