If you’re a sales and marketing professional and you’re not following the discussions in sales and marketing related groups on LinkedIn, you should be.

There are thousands of seasoned pro there to chime in and lend their experience to whatever is keeping you up at night.

I recently spoke with a client that was having a dispute with a former sales rep that had taken a list of customers with them to a new job.
So, I went on LinkedIn and started a discussion. Wow, crazy the wild variance of opinion you find!

The discussion on LinkedIn illustrates clearly that businesses assume they own leads, prospect lists, customer relationship information but, have no formal written agreement with their sales people on the matter. Meanwhile, sales people feel they’ve developed the information and relationships and therefore, it’s theirs.
And never the twain shall meet. Of course, my theory has always been that using an Online CRM gives the business an element of control over this issue that many don’t enjoy.

But, of course, there is more to it than just storing the information in customer database. I published an article on Technorati on the subject. Click here to read the article.