Congratulations!  By reading this blog, you are officially part of the sales blog-o-sphere trend setters!
Evan Carmichael just posted his “Top 50 Sales Blogs to Watch in 2010” and yes, Sell, Sell, Sell! is ranked among them.  We’re at #38 so, we’ve got lots of room to grow!

Seriously, Evan’s put together a list that includes all the best blogs covering sales and selling and done a good job of grouping them by topic.  There are also some blogs I hadn’t heard of before that are well worth reading.

There are blogs for sales people, blogs for sales leaders, blogs on sales tools like web based CRM and every selling topic you can imagine.

Special congratulations to Jonathan Farrington, who’s blog is ranked #1 on Evan’s list!
Any business owner, sales manager or sales person could do well to benefit from the wisdom shared daily by this group of seasoned sales gurus!