Have you heard about the CRM Idol Competition?

It’s a take off on the American Idol theme but, for CRM companies.  Paul Greenberg and a team of CRM industry insiders have launched the competition for 40 “small” CRM companies in the US.  Small means the competitors have to be under $12m in annual revenue to participate.  There’s also a similar group of 20 or so CRM companies in the Europe and Asia.

CRM Idol Competition for CRM Software Companies

SalesNexus Online CRM and Email Marketing solution is one of the competitors.  You can check out our profile on the CRM Idol site here.
Paul and his team have done a great job of getting the Buzz started about the competition.  There’s the web site of course but, there’s also been a lot of talk on Twitter (use the #crmidol has tag) and there’s even a LinkedIn Group.

The competition begins in earnest on August 15th, 2011.  Each contestant will present to a group of judges over the course of the next couple of weeks.  Then 7 finalists will be chosen to submit videos and go through a more rigorous selection process.
We’re proud to be participating in the competition amongst some really strong contestants and teams.  Its a great opportunity.  We’re working hard on our presentation now.  If you have any suggestions for us, we’d love to hear from you!