Now that SalesNexus is fully in the business of providing full featured Email Marketing as a part of our online CRM solution, we’ve recognized that there is a lot of confusion and mis-information from vendors.

Faced with helping potential customers understand the things they’re NOT being told by many vendors of web based CRM software, a couple of years ago we published “7 Hidden Costs of Online CRM” and it was a huge hit.

It appears that the email marketing space is even more opaque to first time customers.  I suppose that’s natural.  Who really understands what actually happens when you send a simple email?

Many Email Marketing vendors offer very inexpensive packages that can sound appealing if you’re just starting out but, its important to look at the fine print to ensure you select a partner than can meet your needs without busting your budget.  Virtually every email marketing solution comes encumbered by limitations on the core services and significant charges when those limits are exceeded.

So, today we published “4 Ways to Find the Right Email Marketing Solution for Your Sales Team“.  This is not a sales pitch.  Just an explanation of 4 things you should definitely know about your email marketing provider before you put your credit card number on the line.

I hope you’ll check it out and let us know what you think!