ACT Database Management: Getting Your Contact Management Online

If you’re considering getting your ACT database management online, you’re probably suffering from one or more very common frustrations:

•Trying to synchronize ACT! databases is consuming too much time and breaking too often.

•You have remote team members who you’d like to “connect” with your ACT! database.

•Recent ACT! Upgrades have created more problems than they’ve solved for you.

•You’re fed up with the costs of keeping pace with ACT! Upgrades, maintaining the software, and performing the ACT database management internally.

These are very common challenges and the good news is that there are several offerings in the marketplace designed specifically to help you.

ACT Database Management and Retaining Your ACT Data in Your Online CRM

For the purposes of this discussion, let’s assume that you want your online move to retain the look and feel of ACT and the basic capabilities you’ve come to rely on. You also want to find a solution that allows you to transfer ALL your ACT! Data (Notes, History, Groups, Activities, Custom Fields, Custom Tabs, etc.) Given these requirements, you’re options are:

  • Purchasing ACT for Web and running it on your server
  • Purchasing ACT for Web and having someone else host it on their server
  • Migrating to a hosted contact management service that supports complete ACT data import and functionality

Let’s discuss each of these options specifically so you can make informed decisions for your business.

Purchasing ACT for Web and Running the ACT Database Management on your Server

This option can be appealing from a cost and control point of view. If you’ve already bought the ACT Premium licenses, buying the ACT for Web upgrade is relatively affordable. In addition, you are still in control of your database. It’s still on your server.

Benefits of  Web Based ACT Database Management:

•The database stays on your server and stays in your control.

•Internal users who can connect directly to the database via your LAN can still use good old fashioned ACT. Only remote users are required to use ACT for Web.

•Remote users access ACT via a web browser. No need to set up VPNs or synchronize databases.

Challenges of  Web Based ACT Database Management:

•You are now in the web server business. You have to keep the web server up and running or your users loose access to a mission critical application.

•You’re going to need sufficient Internet bandwidth coming into your HQ to handle the expected usage of the database via the web.

•If you’re using an old version of ACT! Or the “standard” edition, upgrade costs may be significant.

•ACT for Web does not include all the functionality of ACT. Remote users will not have certain capabilities they may require.
•You have to keep upgrading ACT, ACT for Web and your web server.

•Not available in ACT for Web:
•Creating and Editing mail merge templates

•Creating and Editing Reports

•Creating and Editing database fields

•Administrative functions like adding users, changing security settings and database maintenance.
Bottom line – this approach is not recommended unless you have an IT resource available with solid ACT expertise and IIS (web server) expertise.  He should expect to spend a minimum of 2 hours per week doing ACT database management and ACT for Web. Click here to compare the costs of these options.

Purchasing ACT for Web and Having Someone Else Host it on Their Server

This option is offered primarily by ACT Certified Consultants. These are independent IT consultants who have been trained and certified by Sage Software to support the various ACT products. So, you’re staying in the ACT family and that can be comforting.

Benefits of ACT Database Management on a Remote Hosted Service:
•You’re effectively outsourcing the IT headaches associated with ACT to an ACT Certified Consultant. Not all of them offer this type of hosting service but, there are plenty to choose from.

•No need to have the infrastructure and know-how internally to set up the ACT for Web server and maintain it.

•All users access ACT via a web browser. No need to set up VPNs or synchronize databases.
Challenges of ACT Database Management on a Remote Hosted Service:
•Because all users will only have access to the ACT database via ACT for Web, all administration has to be done by the hosting ACT consultant. Adding users, setting security settings, creating and editing mail merge templates, reports and custom fields.

•If you’re using an old version of ACT! Or the “standard” edition, upgrade costs may be significant.

•You have to keep upgrading ACT and ACT for Web.

Bottom line – you’ll have a real expert in charge of your ACT database management but, their time costs money.

You’ll be dependent upon the consultant you choose to implement any changes and fix any problems. Click here to compare the costs of these options.

Migrating to a Hosted Contact Management Service That Supports Complete ACT Data Import and Functionality

There are a lot of hosted contact management systems in the marketplace today but, most of them have limitations that can be a problem for companies currently using ACT Database Management. Be careful to ensure that you won’t find yourself missing important capabilities you’ve come to count on in ACT and 100% of your ACT data will transfer into the new service. I’ve successfully moved several clients to SalesNexus. Benefits of Converting Your ACT Database Manaagement:

•No more software to buy, install, maintain and upgrade.

•No need to have the infrastructure and know-how internally to set up the ACT for Web server and maintain it.

•All users access ACT via a web browser. No need to set up VPNs or synchronize databases.

•Support is usually included in the offering.

Challenges of Converting Your ACT Database Manaagement:

•Choosing the right vendor can be confusing. Many vendors can’t import all your ACT data but, that’s not always clear.

•If things don’t work out, you need options to move on easily. Some vendors will try to “handcuff” you.
•Retraining your team to use a new system can be time consuming and costly. Find a vendor that offers an interface that will make sense to ACT users.

Bottom line – If you choose the right vendor, this should require the least amount of effort on your part. Details that would be a pain for you should be included in most offerings – daily backups, automatic upgrades and improvements, etc. ACT database management on SalesNexus provides all of this…and more! Click here to compare the costs of these options


Get your ACT database online today for less than 90 cents per day!!!
Interested in getting your ACT database online? Contact us today.
ACT database management through SalesNexus – Fast, easy, accurate, and affordable solution for your business.