Facts About Email Marketing – Email marketing can be tough to master for even seasoned marketers.  I find that B2B Facts About Email Marketingbrands wrestle with email marketing more than most.  The sales team tends to dominate the messaging and that’s typically not a good thing 🙂

Websitebuilder.org recently published a great infographic called “119 Facts You Don’t Know About Email Marketing”. It’s a great place to get a lot of guidance and tips in simple, actionable stats.

Email Marketing is Counter Intuitive

The toughest thing about succeeding in email marketing is that a lot of the techniques that work the best are the opposite of what your common sense would tell you.  Just the fact that the subject line is so crucial to success is an essential lesson that isn’t obvious to newbies.  When you’re writing your first “marketing” email, most of the effort goes into writing the copy, designing the appearance and creating the call to action and landing page.  The subject line is typically an after thought.  Of course, when you know the typical open and click rates, you learn that the subject really is everything.  Most email campaigns get a 10 to 20% open rate and that is almost entirely based on the subject line.  And click rates are typically 1 to 2%.  If the email isn’t opened, it has no chance of being clicked.

And this counter intuitive nature of generating engagement and orders with emails is why Webistebuilder’s infographic is so valuable.  It boils those counter intuitive lessons that take most months or years to learn down to simple facts on one page!

Things I Didn’t Know About Email Marketing

  • 196 Billion emails are sent every day!
  • 77% of consumers prefer email for marketing communication to other types of marketing.
  • Emails convert 3x better than social media.
  • Subject lines of 6 to 10 words have the highest open rate – 21%
  • Open rates are highest with movie titles or song lyrics in the subject line
  • Obama email subject lines that killed it:  â€śHey” and “I will be outspent.”
  • When to send – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday have highest open and click rates.
  • Red links get 52% more clicks than blue
  • Marketing Automation and segmentation are “essential” to experienced email marketers.

And there is a lot more…  110 more discoveries in fact.