You’re proud of the products or services that your business sells. However, as you’ve likely discovered, just because you’ve got something great to offer doesn’t automatically mean people are going to buy it. This is especially true on the Internet.

Countless businesses are frustrated by the fact that they don’t sell as much online as they’d like. While the Internet can connect your business to customers around the globe, there are some hurdles you need to overcome in order to make this happen. Fortunately, by learning what actually persuades people to buy, you can make your website more effective.

When someone is thinking about making a purchase, they want to:

Avoid Hassles:

Because the Internet makes it so easy to jump from one site to another, people have a very low tolerance for online inconveniences. If a site creates a hassle for someone, it’s much easier for them to simply go to a competitor’s site than it is to deal with the problem they’re facing. This approach to online transactions is why it’s so important to ensure that your site is dead simple to use. Not only do you want to make it as easy as possible for people to get the information they want, but you also want to eliminate any pain points from your checkout process.

Get Information from Multiple Sources:

The Internet puts a seemingly unlimited amount of information at everyone’s fingertips. As a result, people want to get information from more than one source. The best way to allow them to do this is to link out. Whether you link to general information about your industry or something like an editor’s review of one of your products, allowing potential customers to gather information from multiple sources will give them the confidence they need to actually make a purchase.

Know What Other Customers Think:

One of the underlying forces that drives buying behavior is people’s desire to avoid making a decision that they end up regretting. This is why so many consumers make purchases based on what previous buyers have to say. If someone is happy with their purchase, people know that they should be as well. This feeling is why it’s so important to include testimonials on your website. To maximize their impact, be sure to include a picture with each testimonial. In addition to testimonials, you should link to any sites that include customer reviews of your business.

Feel Like They’re in Control:

The truth about buying behavior is that much of it is driven by people’s subconscious. However, this doesn’t mean people want to go on autopilot when they’re thinking about a purchase. On the contrary, they want to feel like they’re in complete control of their decision. The best way to appeal to this desire is to use your website to make people feel empowered. When someone has everything they need to feel that they’re making a savvy choice, they’re going to feel good about completing a purchase.