Many people, mostly Marketing people, wonder why you would want your sales team emailing targets, suspects, leads and clients. Why not? Sales people are the front line of our businesses and often are in touch with:


•stage in the sales process

•reason they are engaging your company

•temperature level of sales


I have been in Marketing for over 15 years in various positions from direct mail to email marketing to internet marketing. I never wanted to give control of MY messages and communications to the sales team.
Then I learned I could control the messages to leads with contact management systems and those offering integrated small business email marketing.


I could set the content in the email, control the schedule for the campaign, and let the sales people classify the lead stage, then the sales crm would take control and do its magic – sending email campaigns to the right contact at the right time with the right message.
Now, as a Marketing Professional, I have given back the control – or the perceived control – back to my sales team.
Remember when I said, integrated email crm? That is the key. I cant spend my time tracking different data points in different systems and understanding what it means. I need ONE business crm software system that creates sales force automation and supports my email marketing campaigns.


SalesNexus listened and Complete is here. We have taken everything Sales and Marketing Teams could need and packed it into one solution.


•Alerts on a prospects activity

•Capture form data from all leads directly into database

•Dedicated IPs address for emails – Your Space, Your Reputation.

•Track all Email Campaign Opens and Clicks


Check It Out Today.