Integrations, Recents, Sales Management
Using a free account with Zapier, you can integrate SalesNexus with thousands of apps that you use every day. Today we’ll be showing you how to automatically create a new task for a member of your team in SalesNexus CRM when an invoice gets paid in...
Podcast, Recents, Sales Management
Paul Maskill of the Business Owner’s Freedom Podcast recently sat down with Craig Klein, CEO of SalesNexus to discuss How to Start Improving Your Sales Process TODAY. What They Dig Into How to start improving your sales processHow to start...
CRM Software, Lead Generation, Marketing Automation, Recents, Sales Management, Sales Training
Is your sales process disorganization holding you back and preventing you from reaching your goals? The reason most sales teams lack consistent process is that they can’t get everyone on the same page, following the same process. New software will not fix that problem...
Recents, Sales Management, Sales Training
Are you making these 3 mistakes with your sales leads and unintentionally scaring them off? Don’t allow this to mess up meeting your Sales Goals! Have you or someone you know ever pulled one of these scary moves. Here’s our take on the top 3 ways you could...
4 Steps To Market Domination, Recents
Does your business rely on good old-fashioned salespeople to bring on new customers? Inevitably, a hidden monster is eating up your resources, costing you customers and slowing your growth. Read on to discover the 4 Steps to Market Domination – a guide to help...
4 Steps To Market Domination, CRM Software, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Automation, Recents, Sales Management, Sales Training
Is your team onboard? Do you know what to ask customers? Do you have key processes written down, step by step? Are you staying in touch with all of your past leads, past customers and current clients? Get the 4 Steps To Market Domination here! Do you feel snowed under...
Recents, Sales Management, Sales Training, Support
Good job! You’ve made it through the first leg of January. You’ve been given sales goals and you are doing all that you can to reach them. You may be starting to feel as if you won’t reach them or you are starting to get behind. You may even find yourself in a slump...
Marketing Automation, Recents
If you own or market a business, you’ll recognize this dilemma: you’re not meeting your goals for new sales. You ask yourself, “Do I need to hire more salespeople?” Of course, that means more money going to your salary line,...
Recents, Sales Management, Sales Training
Successful salespeople rarely credit their organizational skills for their accomplishments but instead consider their art of persuasion to be their strongest asset. Yet those same people readily acknowledge that being organized, motivated, and able to multitask will...
CRM Software, Recents, Sales Management
Sales Team Metrics – So, how good is your sales team? If your answer is fuzzy (as in, “they’re pretty good,” or “I’m sure they know what they’re doing”), you could be wasting a lot of salary on salespeople who lack...