CRM Software, Email Marketing, Lead Generation
When the economy is in one of its all too frequent slumps, should your business even focus on CRM? Is worrying about CRM simply something that’s going to deplete even more of your limited resources? While you may have no choice other than eliminating certain...
CRM Software, Email Marketing
Are you concerned that customers aren’t going to take you seriously because you’re not a massive corporation? Do you think you need to take steps to make your business look larger and more professional? While these are common concerns among small business...
CRM Software, Email Marketing, Sales Management
Have you realized that your current CRM solution is not living up to your expectations? Although a CRM solution may seem great when you’re talking to a salesperson, many companies quickly discover that the product itself falls short. Since an inefficient...
CRM Software, Email Marketing
In my last post, I mentioned your email marketing efforts will almost always be more successful when you offer value to your recipients. In the comments, Chris Help backed up this point. He said “On the other hand, if someone sends out emails with USEFUL...
Email Marketing, Lead Generation
Is targeted email marketing profitable? Yes. How profitable? Recent research shows “B2C marketers report an average 256% ROI” from email marketing. No, that’s not a typo. It does say a two hundred and fifty-six percent ROI. How can your business...
CRM Software, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Automation
Many companies make a big mistake when it comes to the way they handle sales. Although they take the time and energy necessary to hire top notch sales talent, they cripple these people’s ability to do well by not giving them the right tools. What’s good...
CRM Software, Email Marketing
This article has been selected for DeFinis Communications’ “Sales Coaching: Top Tips for Increased Productivity” Blog Carnival. You can enjoy even more posts from other exceptional bloggers to help you sell more at their website. The most valuable asset a sales person...
CRM Software, Email Marketing
Have you heard about the CRM Idol Competition? It’s a take off on the American Idol theme but, for CRM companies. Paul Greenberg and a team of CRM industry insiders have launched the competition for 40 “small” CRM companies in the US. Small means...
CRM Software, Email Marketing
I’m a big fan of the concept of sales people qualifying prospect thoroughly early in the sales process so that they can conserve their most precious resource, their time. The sales person invests his time in prospects hoping the return will be a sale and the resulting...
CRM Software, Email Marketing, Lead Generation
If you’re a sales and marketing professional and you’re not following the discussions in sales and marketing related groups on LinkedIn, you should be. There are thousands of seasoned pro there to chime in and lend their experience to whatever is keeping...
CRM Software, Email Marketing, Marketing Automation
A simple question with a seemingly simple answer… Email Marketing is for the Marketing Department, not the Sales Team! Well yes, except for a couple of details… 1) In many small businesses, there is no Marketing Department...
CRM Software, Email Marketing, Lead Generation
CRM Software Designed by Sales People for Sales People SalesNexus CRM -Sales people don’t have a lot of patience with software. SalesNexus was designed by seasoned sales pros and optimized for the most common sales workflows. Real sales CRM software answers this...