The Top Tips for Making the Most of Your Leads

Bringing in leads is not an easy task. If you’ve made the investment of resources that it takes to pull in a consistent steam of new leads, you don’t want to waste a single one of them. In order to ensure no leads go to waste, here are the top tips for...

5 Tips That Can Increase Your Conversion Rate

It’s easy to place all of your focus on attracting more traffic. However, regardless of whether you’re getting 20 visitors a day or 800, increasing your conversion rate can add to your bottom line without requiring you to attract a single additional...

How Can You Make the Most of a Viral Spike?

Marketers spend a lot of time thinking of content that has the potential to go viral. While there are plenty of steps that a marketer can take to maximize the odds of a specific piece of content bringing in a flood of traffic, it’s not uncommon for a...

The Importance of Using Testimonials

Whether you run a “traditional” business or have just developed a new iPhone app, you may think that testimonials are something that are only useful for websites in the fitness industry. While you’re far from being alone in this belief, quite a few...