Marketing Automation, Sales Management
An in-depth investigation of how to identify the emotional circumstances that cause customers to buy from you, how to question prospects to diagnose their “pains” and build sales process that win! You learn… •What makes people buy? •The...
CRM Software, Lead Generation
An in-depth look at how strong relationships between customers and companies drive business growth and the risk of mistaking a customer to sales person relationship with a customer to company relationship. You’ll learn… What customers value most in...
CRM, CRM Software, Sales Management
CRM solutions for small to medium sized businesses (SMB) are widely available and growing in adoption. Many people have questioned whether customer relationship management systems make sense for small to medium sized business from a financial and practical standpoint....
CRM Software, Email Marketing, Lead Generation
How to Build Credibility with Email Marketing Use the Power of Written Word to Boost Believability People Buy from Those They Trust…and trust is hard to get these days. Just like in personal relationships, “Love at First Sight” is rare in business...
Sales Management, Sales Training
As a small business owner there’s a variety of obstacles in front of you as a startup company. It will not always be this way though. You will get into a groove and find a way to make your business successful. In most cases, you will have help: a support staff and a...
Lead Generation, Sales Management
More Sales Prospects – Build B2B contact lists quickly, create engaging content to engage them and identify interested prospects in 5 easy steps! In this workshop, you’ll learn to… Quickly and inexpensively build huge lists of target prospects...
CRM Software, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Sales Management
Content and CRM Combine to Expand Client Base Content marketing is changing the way small businesses interact with their prospects and current clients. In a world where customers like to remain in control of the buying process, it is very easy for them to...
CRM Software, Email Marketing, Marketing Automation
4 Things to Do – and – 4 Things to Not Do With the fast pace that has become part of our high-tech world, today’s consumer craves a relationship. It is possible to develop good customer relationships using high-tech tools like CRM programs and automated email. It is...
CRM Software, Email Marketing
Get Your Best Sales People to Love CRM Front-line sales people are known for resisting new software. The best system can be rendered pretty well worthless if you can’t get the users to adopt it. That is why the best CRM software is designed by sales people…for sales...