Avoiding Security Breaches with Cloud Computing

You have grown your business and you are expanding your customer relationship management. Your business is all connected on “the cloud” and everything is running smoothly. So what’s next? How often do you think about the security of your cloud computing? Was it a...

Sales Ready Lead Starter Kit

The Sales Ready Lead Start Kit allows SalesNexus to help you create on-going, automated email campaigns that engage your audience and  identify highly qualified prospects. You’ll learn… Why traditional sales prospecting is broken What NOT to do in email marketing How...

Are You Using The Value Equation In Your Selling?

As sales people we are always having it drummed into us that we need to build the value of what we sell and how we sell it. This is absolutely true but it’s a little more challenging to actually define what value is because it’s all down to our clients’ perception....

Why CRM Software Won’t Be Going Anywhere

Customer relationship management or CRM has been around since the 1980’s. The concept is pretty clear. And the benefits to your business should seem obvious by now. There’s an age old saying that goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Lately though, it seems like...