CRM Software, Email Marketing, Marketing Automation, Sales Management
Unless you have been hiding under a rock somewhere, you have been hearing about the marvelous results some companies are experiencing with marketing automation that uses targeted email campaigns. Just a few years ago, many were predicting the doom of email marketing...
CRM Software, Email Marketing
You spend time and money to get your email marketing campaigns perfect. You want the right images, the right message and the right recipients. You hire help and research trends. And then you launch. But what happens next? On the business side, the side YOU see, you...
CRM Software, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Automation
In a perfect world all sales leads will be easily sorted as: qualified to purchase right away or not ready yet. The ones that are qualified set appointments with one of the sales team and those not yet ready are placed into lead nurturing campaigns. Sounds like a...
Email Marketing, Marketing Automation
When companies begin email marketing automation for the first time, they often ask what works. Their goal is to duplicate exactly the same “best practices” and follow any rules so they can duplicate the success of others. However, the successful business...
CRM Software, Lead Generation
Talk to many sales organizations about the sales process and they will refer to the “sales funnel” and sometimes how they try to track it in their online CRM. The process described as the sales funnel has never been linear and today’s customers are bending the...
CRM Software, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Automation
Unless you were raised in a barn, your mother probably taught you a few important ways to be polite to people you meet for the first time. So…why do so many businesses fail when it comes to email automation??? Jeff Bezos summed it up when he said, “E-mail has some...
Email Marketing, Marketing Automation
How can you prevent email spam? Being reported as a “Spammer” is serious. It can easily damage your sales automation efforts. Even if you are legitimate in your email automation efforts, if you send enough emails…you will eventually be reported. Since the remedy to...
CRM Software, Email Marketing
We don’t want to bash MS Outlook. It’s a good email program. It is fine for communicating with individuals and small groups who know each other. It SUCKS as an email marketing program. There are so many reasons why. It is missing a ton of features you must have...
CRM Software, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Automation, Sales Management
Our economy is on the upswing in most parts of the U.S. That does not mean the phrase used by John F Kennedy in 1963 will apply. He said, “A rising tide lifts all boats”. In this recovery period, the rising tide could sink your boat if you make the mistake of...
Email Marketing, Lead Generation
Email marketing is a safe and easy way to get information about your business into the hands of thousands of readers. It’s cost effective and fast. But with so many millions of emails traveling through the system these days, it can seem almost inevitable that yours...
Email Marketing, Marketing Automation
Getting emails past the spam filters can be a challenge for small to medium sized businesses (SMB’s). In the attempt to the recipient’s attention, you can easily be trapped by the spam filters of the people you are trying to reach. All the hard work you put into...
CRM Software, Lead Generation, Sales Management
In this business environment, you need to stop making Customer Relationship mistakes and hang on to each profitable customer. Although you may see lots of people making these familiar errors, you don’t want to be one of them. Use this as a checklist to make sure you...
Lead Generation, Sales Training
Growing sales doesn’t have to be a struggle! How can you generate more qualified sales leads? In this webinar, you’ll learn… How what you say on the phone, in emails, on your website and in person directly effects your success. How to assess...