Why Email Marketing is Customer Service

I know- kind of a stretch isn’t it? For years I have been in some form of customer service. It has always been part of my job to make sure that someone else got what they needed. My first job out of high school was as a nurse’s aide in a nursing home. I took care of...

HTML5 Video For Email Marketing

Spice Up Your Emails   Video content can really add some flavor to your emails.  HTML5 allows us to embed videos straight into the email for viewing.  The two major email clients that have jumped on the HTML5 bandwagon are iPhone,iPad, and Apple Mail.  So if you...

Email Analytics – Opens And Clicks

Email Analytics In this day and age, data is everywhere.  The problem most people run into is putting that data in your sales team’s hands.  That is why SalesNexus integrated email marketing data with your online CRM.  Check out how easy it is to use your...

How to Get an A on Your Report Card

Remember the days when you were sent home from school with a report card? On this small “scorecard” was the teacher’s opinion of your schoolwork. Combined with the teacher’s opinion were cold, hard statistical facts about how you were making progress. If you don’t get...