Inside-Out Selling

Inside-Out Selling

Inside Out Selling – Sales training programs and sales books have not evolved as quickly as the marketplace you’re competing in.  If you’re managing salespeople, you know that there is a lot that’s “new” that salespeople must master...
Example Value Words

Example Value Words

What are your Values? It’s the end of the year and there are a lot of annual planning meetings going on over the next few weeks.  One of the fashionable activities is to craft a list of values, as a part of defining your culture. Here’s a handy list...
Sales Team Survey Questions

Sales Team Survey Questions

You know its a great idea to survey your customers about various things.  Have you ever thought about surveying your sales team? Whether you’ve hit a sales growth ceiling, are entering new markets or planning new hiring, a survey can be a great way to be sure...
Accelerate Sales Podcast

Accelerate Sales Podcast

I recently had the opportunity to appear on Andy Paul’s Accelerate podcast. Andy is a great host with tremendous insights on making sales organizations hum.  He’s had his hands in the sales growth of businesses of all types and sizes and is just fun...
Will Your Business be Trumped?

Will Your Business be Trumped?

The 2016 Presidential Election is just over and lots and praise is being heaped on the Trump Campaign’s data analysis team for spotting trends and focusing the campaign on key audiences. Clearly, the other side and essentially the entire punditry and polling...
Is My Customer Data Safe with SalesNexus?

Is My Customer Data Safe with SalesNexus?

On Friday, October 21, 2016, many popular sites were unavailable due to what is believed to be the largest ever DDoS attack on the DNS system of the Internet.  Many SalesNexus users were affected. Of course, when you can’t reach your customer information,...

DDoS Attack affecting SalesNexus

Many SalesNexus users were unable to reach the system today, due to the DDoS attack affecting many websites today.  Learn more about this attack here. As of 5pm EST Friday, the issue is on-going but SalesNexus availability seems to be back to “close to...