In my last post I talked about how some of my competitors are hitting their customers with surprise charges after they’re signed up.

When I say “service”, I mean it in the sense that you learned in Church – Giving to others without regard for your own interest.

Yeah, I know, we’re talking about business here so, it is by its nature about my own interest.  However, I’ve learned that Customer Service shouldn’t be managed strictly by profit and loss.  We’ve all heard the cliches – “going the extra mile”, etc.  It still amazes me that my company’s approach to “serving” its customers is so unique in our business.

..and yes, I’m proud of it.  Here’s a quote from a client emailed to me today:

“What I am most impressed with is the support and attention I get from all departments I’ve dealt with so far, training, tech support and billing.  This is the kind of company that gives you the feeling that they really care about each customer.”

Man, that is good to hear!

Stay tuned to read how unusual this approach is in the online CRM and contact management business.