Marketing CRMWhen most people think about a contact relationship management (CRM) system they think about sales and sales automation. However, there is another department in every organization that really should be using a CRM just as much or more than the sales team – Marketing.

Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing my thoughts and experiences on how a marketing person or team could benefit by using a centralized online CRM. We will start to explore a few topics from the Marketing standpoint and how to integrate your marketing plans into a traditional sales based CRM.

•Data Segmentation

•Lead Nurturing

•Email Marketing


This series will be four weeks long and available to you, at the end, as a PDF document that you can start to share with your colleagues and management teams.

I look forward to offering my viewpoints from my 15 years of traditional Marketing experience, 5+ years of strategic Online Marketing skills and apply the knowledge I gained while getting my Masters of Science in Internet Marketing last year. We might even get an experienced sales person and CRM guru to comment and add some insight to wrap up the entire series, if I can convince Mr. Craig Klein.