The Voicemail Abyss

Voicemails….  Do you ever feel your message is never heard when you leave one?  I know I did, so I started searching for alternatives. “We are an email provider” I said. “Surely we can find a way to resolve voicemails with email.”  That is when I stumbled upon an article from  A company that used wistia started sending video voicemails to customers and prospects.  I thought this was a great idea, so doing what any marketer would do, I tested it.  I was so excited about the results that I decided to create a flipping cool infographic to show you.

The Cart Before The Horse

I know I know I should have explained the process before the results….  Well I am writing this article so we will just do it my way.  So as you can see from the infographic our team would call prospects, leave a voicemail if they did not answer, and then send a video voicemail.  Here is what the video looked like.

Email Marketing Case Study 

It is also interesting to note that we have received feedback from people saying how awesome the concept is, and wonder how they could incorporate it into their marketing efforts.  If you are a regular of our site then you are aware we are relatively new in the video game.  Results like this make me optimistic of the possibilities that video in email presents.  If you want to learn how to add videos into your emails then check out my how to.  If you found this information helpful or interesting then give us your comments and shares on the social sphere.