How to Align Sales & Marketing through CRM & Marketing Automation.

Recently, Lori Jones of the Integrate & Ignite Podcast interviewed Craig Klein, CEO of SalesNexus to discuss the topic of How to Align Sales & Marketing through CRM & Marketing Automation.

Listen in on his conversation with host Lori Jones as they discuss email marketing, lead generation, and finding your perfect customer.

If you have Apple Podcasts, you can also click here to listen on your app.

aligning sales and marketing with Craig Klein of

Episode Highlights:

  • Craig and Lori discuss Craig’s approach to organizing the sales and marketing teams so they can connect to more customers.
  • The “Four Steps to Market Domination.”
  • The difference between lead generation and lead nurturing.
  • How email marketing is a wonderful laboratory to test messaging.
  • How to create an effective email marketing campaign.
  • Finding your perfect customer.

We had a great time as a guest on the Integrate & Ignite podcast! We think you’ll learn from and enjoy it too.

Looking for more of Lori Jones?

Twitter: @LoriJones and @AvocetComm

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LinkedIn: @Avocet Communications and @Lori Sutorius Jones