One of the ways our platform can help your business is by taking steps out of repetitive processes. An example we commonly use is sending out brochures. We can make it extremely easy for you to ensure you never miss out on sending one to a potential client.

However, if you don’t currently use brochures or are thinking about revamping yours for 2012, you’re probably asking yourself “what makes a great brochure?” Since this marketing tool can still be extremely effective, here are five tips for creating brochures that get results:


In the movie Glengarry Glen Ross, Alec Baldwin gives a brutal speech that involves an explanation of AIDA. This acronym stands for Attention, Interest,Decision and Action. It’s a powerful sales tool, and it can work extremely well as the structure of your brochure. Because the goal of the brochure’s cover is to get a recipient to open it, you want to make sure it grabs their attention.
Once a prospect opens your brochure, you should start by piquing their interest. As they start to build an interest in what they’re reading, you can prompt them to begin making a decision. Finally, as they finish the brochure, you want to make them take action instead of simply going along with the rest of their day.

Focus on the Benefits

A lot of companies make the mistake of filling their brochures with long lists of features. While this may be necessary in certain situations (such as selling a product to highly technical prospects), the average buyer is much more interested in what a product can do for them. As a result, you want the sales copy in your brochure to demonstrate how your product or service is going to make the prospect’s life better. From eliminating hassles to improving their business, it’s easy to come up with a lot of benefits once you start thinking about them.

Include a Call to Action

This ties directly into the last A in AIDA. When a prospect finishes reading your brochure, tell them exactly what you want them to do. In many cases, you’re going to want them to pick up the phone and give your company a call. If that’s what you want them to do, make sure you tell them! Since a brochure is worthless if it doesn’t generate action, the next two tips also focus on AIDA’s last A.

Don’t Allow Hesitation

Not only do you want to tell prospects what to do, but you need to give them a compelling reason not to put off taking action. Although including a deadline may seem too simple to work, this is a tried and true method that still gets results.

Eliminate Risk

You want to make sure that by taking action, a prospect feels like they have nothing to lose but everything to gain. If you plan on closing the sale over the phone, make it clear in the brochure that your product or service has a full money-back guarantee.
Are you planning to create or revamp a brochure in 2012?