The 3 Ingredients to Sales Growth

The 3 Ingredients to Sales Growth

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Our speakers are:

Michael Halper of SalesScripterMichael Halper of SalesScripter

The roots of SalesScripter began while Michael Halper, author of The Cold Calling Equation and founder and CEO of Launch Pad Solutions, built and ran a telesales operation that made cold calls for other businesses. By launching campaign after campaign, Halper was essentially operating in an incubator where he could test and develop a portfolio of sales tactics and scripts that were proven to be effective. Once the framework of scripts and templates began to take shape, Halper realized that he was asking all of his clients the same questions while building out their sales messaging strategies. This was the real “aha!” moment as he realized that if he could build a tool that a sales professional could go through and answer his standard line of questioning, all of the provided answers could then be mapped to fill in a library of sales scripts and templates.

Craig Klein of SalesNexus

15 years of selling experience from knocking on doors to building and managing a nation wide sales team. Steeped in consultative sales training approaches including 5 years of Sandler Sales Institute training. At SalesNexus, I focus on helping small and medium sized businesses grow by increasing their direct marketing efforts, maximizing marketing ROI and improving the effectiveness and efficiency of their sales operations.

Forest Cassidy of LeadFerret