Email Marketing, Marketing Automation, Recents
Do you have a lead nurturing plan? Are you leaving that up to your salespeople to manage? Every sales manager knows that sales people very commonly have a tough time managing to follow up consistently with active customers and leads. If you’re expecting...
Email, Email Marketing, Marketing Automation, Recents
In today’s market, online advertising is an integral part of your business plan. You need a user-friendly website for your customer to find you, and an email marketing strategy to promote yourself directly to your customer. Included in that strategy is coming up with...
CRM Software, Marketing Automation, Recents, Sales Management, Sales Training
Inside sales vs outside sales: Can inside salespeople replace your outside salespeople? Sales is changing, undoubtedly. Thought leaders like Justin Roff-Marsh assert that field sales is dead. Watch the webinar now. Inside Sales vs. Outside Sales There are...
CRM Software, Marketing Automation, Recents
The benefits of combining CRM and marketing automation are tremendous and very profitable. In fact, one of the primary reasons businesses decide to implement their first CRM solution is to get their customer and prospect list organized to enable email marketing...
CRM Software, Lead Generation, Marketing Automation, Recents
SalesNexus, a well-established online CRM, email marketing, and lead generation provider, offers numerous features that allow users to get the most out of their sales CRM. Not only does SalesNexus offer a solution to those who could use a tool for email...
Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Automation, Recents
Your spending a lot of time and money generating leads and only a small percentage turn into customers initially. 79% of new leads are not ready to purchase yet. Can you stay in touch with them for weeks, months or even years as they go through their own buying...