Lead Generation, Sales Management
In front of the customer, they’re instinctive… But somehow, they’re tough to write down on a piece of paper. Your qualification questions. The questions you ask a prospect so that you understand they’re needs and what...
CRM Software, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Automation
Sales wins customers and customer service keeps them. Growing your business depends on both. In recent posts, I’ve addressed how easy and profitable it can be to use an information system to beat the pants of your competitors at customer service and turn your...
Lead Generation, Sales Management
Per my last post, I owe you an article on how to motivate your team to use an information system to improve sales, service and support effectiveness. However, I saw a post today that I just had to pass on. Yaro Starak’s post about an article by Rich Schefren is...
CRM Software, Lead Generation, Sales Management
You don’t have to be in the Fortune 500 to build superior stellar customer service into your business. In fact, when’s the last time you called a Fortune 500 company for service and came away impressed with the service you got? The big guys have the...
CRM Software, Lead Generation
Management gets a lot more out of CRM system if the sales team is using it because they want to, because it helps them sell more. And it really is just as simple as Mr. Misner describes. As Bo Jackson said, “Just do it!” I hope its obvious but, to be sure...
Lead Generation, Sales Management
A “put off” is something a prospect says to “get rid of you”. To get you off the phone or out of his office. To end the meeting and move on with his/her day. Examples: •”Send me your brochure and I’ll get back to you”...