Email Marketing, Lead Generation
Are you struggling with where to cut budgets during slow times? If so, read this great article about how some of the great marketers of all times have responded to downturns. A customer forwarded this article to me as its related to our Mail It For Me Service....
Lead Generation, Sales Management
Today I had the opportunity to participate in Top Sales Expert’s first roundtable discussion, “The Future of Professional Selling”. Contributors included Jill Konrath, Linda Richardson and of course, Jonathan Farrington. The roundtable was packed...
Lead Generation, Sales Management, Sales Training
There are good leads and not so good leads. Many times, you instinctively know the difference. Other times, you’re completely surprised by the results. You spend a lot of money and time to generate these unpredictable results. The leads your sales team pursues...
Lead Generation, Sales Management, Sales Training
Your paying expense bills for lunches, meetings, flights and hotel rooms. Its the cost of doing business right? How many of the clients you’re spending all that time and money on are buying anything? Not enough right? Your artillery is firing at any target they...
Lead Generation, Sales Management, Sales Training
You don’t send a proposal to a new lead you’ve never talked to right? You wouldn’t try to schedule a presentation with a company that just signed a multi-year contract with your competition either. Some things in selling are obvious. Many more are...
Lead Generation, Sales Management, Sales Training
This is the first installment in a 5 part series we’ll be releasing each Monday, through February – “Double Your Sales in 2009”! We’ve identified a series of 5 simple and inexpensive steps any business can take to super charge their...