CRM Software, Email Marketing, Lead Generation
When most people think about a contact relationship management (CRM) system they think about sales and sales automation. However, there is another department in every organization that really should be using a CRM just as much or more than the sales team –...
Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Sales Management
Just wanted to share the webinar SalesNexus hosted for our online CRM customers. SalesNexus’ lead management capabilities are essential for identifying what’s working and what’s not. John Fox makes Lead Management easy John Fox, of Venture...
CRM Software, Lead Generation
When’s the last time you thought of Willy Loman? You know, the tragic figure in the Arthur Miller play, Death of a Salesman, that we all studied in grade school….? For millions of American children, Willy was the first impression we had of a sales...
CRM Software, Email Marketing, Lead Generation
If you run a business or manage a B2B sales team, then you’ve asked the question of yourself. Maybe you have one or two sales people that like to spend time on various social media sites and tell you they’re “prospecting”. If you’ve...
CRM Software, Email Marketing, Lead Generation
Online CRM Can be Your Success Tool…. Yes, that’s right, my claim in this article is that your business management software or online CRM (Customer Relationship Management) can be the key to success in 2011! Seriously, where I’m coming from is that...
Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Automation
The following is Part 2 of “What is a relational database management system and why is it important for your business?”. Read Part 1 Here. This is Part 2 of our article on how a relational database management system is a key ingredient for growing your business. ...