Email Marketing, Marketing Automation
Spice Up Your Emails Video content can really add some flavor to your emails. HTML5 allows us to embed videos straight into the email for viewing. The two major email clients that have jumped on the HTML5 bandwagon are iPhone,iPad, and Apple Mail. So if you...
Email Marketing, Lead Generation
Gmail recently celebrated its 10 year anniversary. As one of the top email providers, addressing them in terms of email marketing seemed like a good idea. Gmail has taken long strides since its first launch. Not only has it created fiercely accurate spam filers and...
Email Marketing, Marketing Automation
Getting started with any new system for email marketing can be difficult. There are a lot of moving parts. That is why we put together this 3 part video series for you. Workflows In the first video I will walk you through setting up a workflow for your...
CRM Software, Email Marketing
Email Analytics In this day and age, data is everywhere. The problem most people run into is putting that data in your sales team’s hands. That is why SalesNexus integrated email marketing data with your online CRM. Check out how easy it is to use your...
Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Automation, Sales Management
Facebook made changes within the last few months (as they often do). One change noticed by many small businesses was an update to the EdgeRank algorithm. Facebook tended to give businesses a way to sort of automate their marketing by just sharing links and instantly...
Email Marketing, Lead Generation
Great email marketing software is just the beginning. If you want to produce sales results, you must develop email campaigns that seduce and engage the recipient. After all, the buyer may want to become educated and informed…but they don’t want to be given an...