CRM Software, Email Marketing, Lead Generation
What does customer relationship management (CRM) do for your business? It saves you money since finding new customers is expensive. Maintaining and growing the relationship with current customers is paramount. It gives your business information on what customers are...
CRM Software, Email Marketing
Don’t Let Your Email Marketing Get Stagnant You have a list, a group, of loyal followers who have agreed to receive your emails on a regular basis. Good job! You may be thinking that the hard part is over, right? Not so. The fun has just begun. Now that you have the...
CRM Software, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Automation
Keys to Building an Effective Email Marketing List Email marketing lists are a tricky, yet powerful tool that many small businesses and large corporations are using to increase customer loyalty and drive sales. However, creating a good list isn’t as easy as it seems....
CRM Software, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Automation, Sales Management
Presented by SalesNexus CEO, Craig Klein, on July 15, 2012, to the The Expedite Association of North America (TEANA) in New Orleans. Grow Sales with Customer Relationship Management slides available here.