Email Marketing, Marketing Automation, Recents
Do you have a lead nurturing plan? Are you leaving that up to your salespeople to manage? Every sales manager knows that sales people very commonly have a tough time managing to follow up consistently with active customers and leads. If you’re expecting...
Email, Email Marketing, Marketing Automation, Recents
In today’s market, online advertising is an integral part of your business plan. You need a user-friendly website for your customer to find you, and an email marketing strategy to promote yourself directly to your customer. Included in that strategy is coming up with...
CRM Software, Marketing Automation, Recents
The benefits of combining CRM and marketing automation are tremendous and very profitable. In fact, one of the primary reasons businesses decide to implement their first CRM solution is to get their customer and prospect list organized to enable email marketing...
Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Recents
Lead generation emails for a B2B sales team are one of the most challenging type of email marketing to get right. Below are the most common mistakes we see B2B brands make with their email marketing to potential leads. Plus an example lead generating email at...
Email Marketing, Sales Training
The concept of “firing” a prospect comes as surprising to a lot of salespeople, but often the best way to move forward with a prospect is to let them go. Prospects expect salespeople to “chase” them, so they assume you’ll keep calling and...